Drenatech® is a product by Lechner s.p.a.

Historical company with a hundred years’ experience in the production of resins, Lechner s.p.a. has always been committed to marketing the best products possible.

Respect for the environment, the choice of the best raw materials, the care in offering the customer a product with exceptional technical features and in supporting them thoroughly in every need, are all aspects that reflect at Drenatech® the core principles inspiring Lechner s.p.a..

The true strength of Lechner is the ability to adapt to the ever changing requests for customised products. Thanks to the flexibility of the production facility and the professionalism of its personnel, Lechner is today a national and international landmark in the production of adhesives and paints for the installation and care of pavements and coverings in wood, rubber, PVC, carpet, synthetic grass, without neglecting the preparation of the substrates.

Where to find us

Via Nazionale, 106, Frazione Rigoroso
15061 Arquata Scrivia (AL), ITALY

Tel.: +39 0143 63 61 03 - Fax: +39 0143 63 64 05


Paolo Lechner – p.lechner@lechnerspa.it


Marco Muzzonigro – commerciale@drenatech.com 

Our Drenatech® area representatives

Write to info@drenatech.com or call the no.  +39 0143 636103


The cost of the complete sample is €60. The cost of the personalized sample book with 6 samples is €25.
The discount on the invoice for the sample purchased will be applied to the first order.

Draining concrete
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