The natural paving technology that respects the hydrological cycle

The commitment in designing urban spaces, now more than ever, must absolutely focus on environmental friendliness and using environmentally compatible materials.

One of the most important aspects is to avoid overbuilding and soil sealing, using solutions that ensure its permeability.

This is where Drenatech® comes into play: wholly permeable outdoor paving, developed to respect the environment and the hydrological cycle, ensuring water goes back into the ground.

Drenatech® respects the environment using environmentally compatible raw materials with technical features that ensure total permeability.

The environmental friendliness of the material is due primarily to its components: a particular two-component resin free from solvents, which does not release pollutants into the atmosphere and into the drained water, and natural stone, a material selected from the best Italian marble and granite quarries.

We strive to make Drenatech® paving suitable to your every need, by periodically performing laboratory tests.

Our commitment has allowed us to offer you high performance and chemical-mechanical features that make it absolutely unique and innovative, which means it can be used in any setting.


Write to or call the no.  +39 0143 636103


The cost of the complete sample is €60. The cost of the personalized sample book with 6 samples is €25.
The discount on the invoice for the sample purchased will be applied to the first order.

Draining concrete
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